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Posts Tagged ‘guns’

Essays.ph Winter Battlefield

In Essays.ph, Event, News on December 22, 2012 at 4:21 am

Christmas has beckoned Essays.ph once again. And in response to that, the management department has organized an event that writers will surely love (or they thought so). That event was titled Winterbattlefied.

Essays.ph Winter Battledield Poster

One of the Essays.ph editors has fallen.

It will happen in Market Market, Taguig at December 22, 2012, which is today. Apparently, the Doomsday prediction was unable to stop it. And because of that, writers from across the country will fight to the death.

They will be given guns, and they will be forced to shoot their comrades (just for fun). The estimated number of casualties is more than two hundred people. If you are a writer, and you got some guts, you must attend Essays.ph Winter Battlefield event.